The CA Models CAD department is a prerequisite for complex, multi process assembly models. This department carries out extensive work to prepare each component and assembly, before they can progress to one of the RP Departments or Engineering Machine Shop for manufacture. This work is vital to ensure that no matter which department the components are made in, all of the multi process parts fit together perfectly.

CA Models operates several Delcam CAD software packages, including PowerMILL (seven seats) and PowerSHAPE (six seats) for 5-axis programming in our CNC Department. We also operate one seat of Delcam PowerINSPECT CAD Viewer for inspection requirements, with the addition of point-cloud for reverse engineering. 

Materialise Magics software helps to streamline workflow in all our rapid prototyping departments.

PTC Creo (two seats) is extremely useful for viewing large assembly CAD, modifying components for different manufacturing methods and for the creation of CAD models from scratch.

CA Models preferred file formats for:

Additive Manufacturing – stl, mgx, igs or stp

CNC – igs, stp or parasolid

CA Models
Borrowmeadow Road, Springkerse Indusrial Estate, Stirling, Scotland, FK7 7UW

Cyber Essentials