Fused Deposition Modelling is a 3D Printing process involving the ejection of thermoplastic from a nozzle and layering to form the part. CA Models currently houses two Fortus 900 FDM systems both running production grade materials in an envelope size of 900mm x 600mm x 900mm.

Benefits of FDM for your project

  • Wide variety of thermoplastics
  • Parts have great durability and stability
  • Parts have good dimensional accuracy
  • More cost effective than other technologies

FDM applications

  • Prototype models for functional testing
  • Low volume production parts
  • Tooling / Jigs & Fixtures
  • Soluble Cores (Involves building the part in a soluble material, wrapping the part in Composite lay-up then dissolving the core in a water-based solution after curing. This method is commonly utilised within the Automotive industry.
  • CA Models also specialises in using Flame-retardant materials ULTEM 9085 and ULTEM 1010, the go to materials for the Aerospace industry due to their strength to weight ratio and FST (Flame, Smoke & Toxicity) rating. These materials are a type 1 certified material for aircraft interiors.
  • Carbon Fibre material Nylon 12CF. With the highest stiffness and strength-to-weight ratio of any FDM material. The combination of strength and stiffness make it the ideal choice for lightweight tooling, functional prototyping and production parts.

Both machines are manufactured and maintained by Stratasys.


We currently run the following materials on our F900 Stratasys FDM system with an envelope size of 900 x 600 x 900.


CA Models
Borrowmeadow Road, Springkerse Indusrial Estate, Stirling, Scotland, FK7 7UW

Cyber Essentials