Vacuum casting allows the production of multiple copies of a master model in replica injection moulding materials.  The process involves:-

Production of a premium quality master model which can be made through a variety of in-house processes such as SLA, CNC machining or hand fabrication.  The quality of the vacuum casting is entirely dependent on the quality of the original master model.

A silicone mould is subsequently produced by suspending the master model in a bespoke built container.  Silicone resin is then poured into the container, encasing the model.  The container is then sealed and placed in the oven to cure the silicone mould.

Once cooled, the mould is carefully split open and the master model removed, leaving a cavity in the silicone mould, ready for vacuum casting production in the desired material.

CA Models houses three vacuum casting machines.  The most recent addition is the 5/04 Vario which is due to arrive on site in June 2016.  This machine will join our MCP 003 and 004 in the busy vacuum casting department.

Tinted lenses, high temperature parts and rubber components are all part of the daily routine at CA Models.

CA Models
Borrowmeadow Road, Springkerse Indusrial Estate, Stirling, Scotland, FK7 7UW

Cyber Essentials